Sunday, August 30, 2009


Haha gue niat banget deh ya mau ngucapin selamat ulang tahun ini. Doohan ini teman baik gue dari SMP, real good friend I must say. He's a part of my life (boleh muntah). Gue punya rencana home invasion gitu sama pacarnya tapi ternyata udah ketauan duluan haha

So I came up with this idea, 17 messages, in 17 minutes.

Berhubung jam gue ngirim dan jam dia nerimanya ga sama, jadi ternyata ada miss satu menit kosong. Well, dia tau lah idenya :)

Yang gue post ini, versi di jam HP gue, jadi mungkin (sepertinya memang) beda sama yang masuk ke HP Doohan.

11.42 Selamat (hampir)

11.43 selamat yaa

11.44 Jangan ngambek2 kalo udah tambah umur

11.45 Jangan lupa sama temen lama kalo punya temen baru J

11.46 Shalat, Doo. Shalat

11.47 Try to get along with family. Mom, dad, siblings

11.48 Udah kuliah emang enak ya, rajin2 lah ya

11.50 Nyetir mobil sana

11.50 Lo punya banyak temen baik ya, don’t take them for granted

11.51 Jangan ngerasa kegantengan

11.53 Versi najis : Gue sayang dah sama lo wkwkwk

11.54 Tadinya gue mau ke rumah, tapi ya gt haha jauh di mata dkt di hati

11.55 Lo kan cacat, jgn berlebihan ya olahraga

11.57 Mandi, Doo

11.58 Jangan gaptek hehe

11.59 Hmm norak ga sih gue ngirimin gini? Haha just want to be different

12.00 Well, to sum all the previous 16msgs, HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOOHAN. This is my 17th msg, semoga sehat selalu

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Dua Ribu Rupiah

Whoa! I cant believe it, its actually the real 2000rupiah! Fabulous!

Triple Dead

Happy independence day my Indonesia! Its been a while since my last entry. I'm too busy yet lazy to write, hmm

So yesterday was our nation's 64th bday, super cool! I raised the flag and got money from the school, well it doesnt really matter tho.

Today is another school day, another boring and pathetic day. There'll be no school on thursday til sunday, its the beginning of Ramadhan.

Today and tomorrow are going to be not fun. To start the day, Chem. Everyone did the homework last week, I skipped classes last week. So when I saw my friend's book, I turned green, simple.

Physic and math are coming right after this. Tuesday is my triple dead. So dead.